Snow Plow Tracker
The Town’s interactive plow tracker, made available through DiCan, informs the community of the Town's snow removal efforts with updates and the ability to monitor where roads have been serviced within the past 48 hours. This software keeps community members informed about the Town's winter response activity.
If you have any questions or issues while using the software, please contact our Customer Experience Representatives at or 905-468-3266 during regular operating hours (Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)

Winter Control

Snow Removal Process
Town Staff starts the process of planning for snow removal before winter weather hits. Learn more about our process, what to expect, and how to stay informed. You can also monitor the Town's social media channels to stay up-to-date about winter control activities.
Staff monitors multiple weather sources for a consistent forecast and plans operations.
Staff begins sanding operations for arterial and connector roads, sharp corners and steep hills.
Staff starts plowing operations of roads in priority sequence and clears snow in front of all municipally owned and operated facilities.
Once all roads have been plowed, and a minimum of 75 mm (3 inches) of snow has fallen at one time, Staff begins clearing all sidewalks in a priority sequence.
Staff tends to any service concerns, as needed.
Snow Procedures
Please do not leave vehicles parked or standing on a public roadway. By doing so, an unsafe situation can be created for drivers and interfere with traffic movement and snow removal efforts.
According to the Town’s Parking and Traffic By-Law 4308-09 and the Repair and Storage Liens Act R.S.O. 1990 c. R25, Enforcement Officers will be serving parking infraction notices and towing away vehicles found parked on public streets in Niagara-on-the-Lake as follows:
- Directly interferes with traffic movement or snow removal
- Over 12 hours at any one time
- In contravention of “No Parking” zones
- Within 10 metres of an intersection
- Within 3 metres of a fire hydrant
Notification of a Significant Weather Event
The Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake may declare a significant weather event when the weather forecast or conditions meet certain criteria. In this event, please check the following outlets for official information from the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake:
- The Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake's website
The Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake's Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages
Please note that these accounts are not monitored 24/7. Should you require immediate assistance, please dial 911.
What is a significant weather event?
As per the Ontario Municipal Act, a municipality may declare a significant weather event when a weather hazard, either forecasted or occurring, has the potential to pose a significant danger to users of the roadways over which they have authority.
This declaration suspends the standard timelines required for municipalities to meet their winter maintenance objectives. All roadways and/or sidewalks are deemed in a state of repair concerning snow accumulation and/or ice conditions until the municipality declares the significant weather event has ended.
During the course of a declared significant weather event, the standard for addressing winter maintenance is to monitor the weather and deploy resources to address the issue, starting from the time the municipality deems it most appropriate to do so. When the municipality declares an event has ended, standard timelines for winter maintenance activities begin.
Conditions to Delcare a Significant Weather Event
Significant snow accumulation during a 24-hour period
- Ice formation that occurs without warning from the weather forecast
- High winds leading to blowing snow and large snowdrifts
- Freezing temperatures when deicing operations will not be effective
Declaring a significant weather event is not a notice of reduced service levels or road closure, but rather to notify the public that due to the forecasted or current weather conditions, caution is to be exercised when travelling on Town streets and sidewalks and that it may take longer than usual to restore the conditions to a normal state of repair.
There are many constructed community ponds in Niagara-on-the-Lake. While they look beautiful, they're actually stormwater facilities, and danger lies beneath them.
A working stormwater facility reduces the risk of flooding in your neighbourhood. This means water continuously flows beneath the top layer, causing ice thickness to be unpredictable and dangerous.
Even when the ice appears solid, it is not safe for walking, skating, or any recreational activity. Don't risk your life, and please stay off stormwater ponds.
Report any slippery or dangerous road conditions by calling 905-468-3266 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or reporting via our online Service Request Portal.
- Refrain from parking on streets during or after a winter storm event to allow for snow removal operations.
- Pile all snow from your driveway and walkways on your property, not on the road. When clearing your driveway pile snow on the right side of your driveway (if you are facing the street). This will help reduce the amount of snow pushed back into your driveway by a plow.
- Keep fire hydrants clear and accessible as in the event of a fire, gaining access could be critical.
- On your garbage day, place your garbage and recycling containers close to the edge of the road but not so close as to interfere with snow removal.
Please be patient. During a storm event, Town Staff are exerting maximum effort to return road conditions to normal. Under severe conditions, it takes some time to get to all streets. If your street has not been plowed, please allow at least 24 hours after the snow has stopped falling before calling and please be mindful that Town plow trucks are responsible for Town roads and Regional snow trucks are responsible for Region roads.
Frequently Asked Questions
The plows are designed to remove snow from the road and deposit it on the boulevard. When you shovel your driveway, place the snow "downstream" (right side when facing the road) so your driveway won't be filled in the next time the plow comes by.
Town work crews prioritize clearing the travelled portion of the road, and the only place to move the snow is onto the boulevard, which includes driveways. Unfortunately, leftover snow at the end of driveways is an inevitable part of the snow removal process, and the Town appreciates your anticipated understanding.
Residential roads are plowed to center bare condition, meaning the plow will create one lane for vehicular traffic.
On main roads, you may see the plow clear one side of the street before it is able to safely turn around and return to plow the other half of the street.
Residential roads are only plowed after main roads and designated secondary roads have been plowed. As a result, during severe and continuous snowfalls it may take longer to complete snow plowing on residential roads.
If you believe your street has been missed, please wait 24 hours after the snow has stopped falling before calling the Town's Customer Experience Team at 905-468-3266.
Each plow truck is assigned to a specific route. The truck may be travelling to the beginning of a route to begin a sanding operation that is completed before plowing.
Privately owned lots and plazas are the responsibility of individual property owners/managers. If snow from a private lot is plowed onto a Town street, the property management company may be subject to a fine. To report snow piled on a street, please contact the Town's Customer Experience Team at 905-468-3266 or complete an online Service Request.
The Town assists in clearing sidewalks after the storm has subsided, all roads have been plowed and a minimum of 75 mm (3 inches) of snow has fallen at one time.
In an emergency situation, always call 911 to access emergency services.
If there is a winter control issue affecting your emergency situation, such as snow blocking road access for emergency vehicles, emergency services will contact the Town directly to resolve the issue.
Report damage from a snowplow to your private property by calling the Town's Customer Experience Team at 905-468-3266.
You must indicate:
- Where you live
- A description of the damage
The Town does not replace or repair damaged landscaping items located within the Town's road allowance.
No, the Town does not do winter maintenance on any of its trails and tracks.
Snow and ice can be dumped onto the property in which the company has been hired to remove the snow and ice.
Maintenance companies hired by private laneways or property owners cannot deposit snow or ice onto the public roadway, or dump the snow or ice in a way that interferes with the movement of pedestrian or vehicular traffic. This is in alignment with the Highway Traffic Act under Section 181.