Urban design is the art of shaping the interaction between people and the places through the arrangement, appearance and function of communities. It is about how buildings and the public realm come together to make high-quality spaces. The Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake is committed to high-quality built form and neighbourhood character is promoted and upheld. The Town has urban design policies, guidelines and standards in the following documents:
- Queenston Secondary Plan (PDF)
- St Davids Urban Design Guidelines (PDF)
- Landscape Guidelines & Standards (PDF)

Urban design is a major component in the review of development applications, which are conducted by the Town’s Urban Design Specialist in two ways:
- Internal urban design review: All development applications are reviewed and commented on in accordance with the above-mentioned urban design policies, guidelines and standards. Committee of Adjustment applications are typically subject to this review.
- Urban Design Committee review: The Town’s Urban Design Committee is an advisory committee that provides professional advice and recommendations that affect the public realm, including the design of buildings, structures, parks and open spaces and streetscapes in order to promote and uphold standards of design. Development applications, specifically Site Plans, Subdivision and Condominium applications are subject to this review.
The Urban Design Committee is comprised of seven members, including:
- One member of Council;
- One member of the Municipal Heritage Committee; and
- Five members of qualified individuals in the disciplines of architecture, landscape architecture, urban design and urban planning.
The Urban Design Committee’s conduct and procedure are directed by its Terms of Reference.